lotus posehalfmoon poseheadstandbridge posecamel pose
Until The Guru Comes is dedicated to all the Gurus, Famous, Infamous, Family, Friends, Doctors, Teachers, Wellness Professionals and Anyone else along the way, who made and make us who we are today. Until The Guru Comes Is Predicated On One Fact: We Are All Gurus.

butternut sqash soup   SPICY COCONUT, YAM (SWEET POTATO) and CARROT SOUP
Life is a balancing act, below is a quick, easy, nutritious and delicious
Soup you can easily incorporate into your busy schedule.
Play with the seasoning to suit your family’s taste.
1/2 Onion
2 teaspoons coarse Sea Salt or Kosher salt (+ additional to taste)
2 large Organic Yams or Sweet Potatoes, washed and
      (cut into approximately 2” inch chunks)
3 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped ­
I  tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1 teaspoon turmeric 1 (14 or 15-ounce) Can Coconut milk (I like the Trader Joe’s 3% fat)
4 or 5 large organic carrots
1/8 teaspoon Cayenne or ½ teaspoon of fresh minced Hot Red Pepper
¼ teaspoon cloves (optional)
 (Optional- 2 tablespoons Grape seed Oil or Extra-Virgin olive Oil)
Garnish with Pumpkin or Sunflower Seeds and Cilantro
In a large Pot steam or boil Yams in four cups of water. When close to tender, add carrots

for around four to five minutes. (Slightly softened but not over-cooked)
Put the other entire ingredient into a blender or Vita-Mix, with the cooked or steamed

Yams, Carrots and Water.

half moon pose

I picked Half Moon Pose - Ardha Chandrasana, because Life is a balancing act.

The Half Moon Pose (Ardha-chandra-asana)


Part 1: The ardha-chandra-asana is a basic stretching and balancing pose that benefits

principally the lower back, abdomen and chest.

1. Stand in the tada-asana (Mountain Pose)(Stand with toes touching, and heels

approximately an inch or so apart), keeping the back straight and the arms pressed

slightly against the sides with palms facing inward.

2. Bring the hands together at the chest with palms lightly pressed against each other

(the Anjali-mudra).

3. Inhale and raise the arms straight up keeping the palms pressed lightly together.

4. Arch your body backwards keeping your arms alongside your neck and head, tilt the head

backward, but no further than your arms, and hold. Keep your knees straight (but soft)

while holding posture.

5. Slowly return to the tada-asana. Repeat ardha-chandra-asana two to three times.


Part 2 Type of pose: Standing, balancing Benefits: Strengthen the ankles and thighs,

improves balance Instructions: Beginners: Take a block underneath the right hand.

Do the pose near a wall and bring the left foot to the wall when you kick up the left leg.

1. From Trikonasana, (Tree Pose)soften the right knee and bring the left hand to your hip.

2. Bring the right hand to the floor about a foot in front of the right foot with the fingertips

on the floor. 3. Begin to straighten the right leg while simultaneously kicking up the left leg.

4. Open the hips, stacking the left hip on top of the right hip. 5. Bring the left leg straight

and parallel to the floor, flexing the left foot with the toes facing forward.

6. When you feel balanced on the right leg, reach the left arm up toward the ceiling,

opening the chest and making a straight line with the right and left arms.

7. Finally, bring the gaze up toward the left fingertips


Links to old recipes